I am a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich in the group of Prof. Laurent Vanbever. My current research interests are focused on computer networks, communication protocols, (real-time) scheduling theory, and statistics applied to experimental design. You can find out more about my research interests and past activities in my resume and publication page.

In 2019, I completed my doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Lothar Thiele, also at ETH. My dissertation is entitled Leveraging Synchronous Transmissions for the Design of Real-time Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems. Before joining ETH, I obtained a Master of Science in Engineering of Complex Systems (2015) and Master for Faculty Training for Higher Education (2013) both from École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (now ENS Paris-Saclay). In 2014, I spent a year in UC Berkeley as visiting scholar under the supervision of Prof. Karl Hedrick.

I am an Open Science enthusiast and try to advocate for it whenever I can. When time allows, I am also involved in science communication projects.

Want to find out more about me?


Jul. 2024

Best Paper Award at HotCarbon'24

For the third year in a row, we presented our ongoing sustainable networking work at HotCarbon.
Cherry on the cake: We had the pleasure of receiving the Best Paper Award! Check it out!

Feb. 2024

Pledge to Open Science - 2024 review

After 4.5 years, I finally took the time to assess my commitment to my pledge to open science. A nice opportunity to reflect on my past choices–and do some adjustments.

Blog post
Jan. 2024

Lecture material on Sustainable Networking

To wrap up 2023, I had the pleasure of giving a 2-hour lecture on Sustainable Networking for Master’s students.
As always, I learned a lot while preparing to teach this class. It also made me aware of how much I’ve learned about sustainability in the past 18 months; back then, I knew pretty much nothing about what I just taught. 😅

The slides’ PDF and sources are openly available. You’re welcome to take/adapt/reuse. I’d be happy to know if you do so! 🙃

Presentation slides
Jul. 2023

Presentation at HotCarbon

I have been really happy to present our first technical paper at the 2023 HotCarbon workshop. That marks the first milestone of my journey researching “sustainable networking.” Check it out!

Presentation slides
Podcast coverage (@9:27)
Feb. 2022

Joining the ORCID Researcher Advisory Council

I have been selected to serve in the very first Researcher Advisory Council of ORCID.

I hope to assist ORCID in its mission to “help (researchers) spend more time conducting their research and less time managing it.” How cool is that?

ORCID news
Sep. 2021

Starting as Editor-in-Chief for JSys

It is my pleasure to serve as one of the JSys Editors-in-Chief.

Looking forward to helping bring your research to the world, with high quality review, artifact evaluation, and of course, no fees nor paywall!

JSys website
Aug. 2021

TriScale Tutorial at SIGCOMM

Last week, I held a half-day tutorial about TriScale at ACM SIGCOMM. That was the opportunity for

Check-it out and spread the word! Let’s foster replicability in networking research!

Tutorial recording (1h40)
Tutorial slides
TriScale paper
TriScale website
Hands-on material
Jun. 2021

Joining SwissRN

Happy to announce that I officially joined the Swiss Reproducibility Network, an academic-driven consortium that aims to promote and ensure rigorous research practices in Switzerland!

SwissRN website